Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Beginning of the End...

I can't believe the day is already here. The last season of the greatest show in TV history (sorry Mr. Seinfeld, but you've been replaced) airs tonight and my emotions are a bit mixed at the moment. I'm excited because ever since I downloaded that leaked Pilot episode screener way back in the summer of 2004, and began my pilgrimage to indoctrinate all of my friends and family on the awesomeness that is L O S T, I have been yearning to find the answers to all my questions. What is the island? Why were these people 'chosen'? Who exactly are Jacob and Richard? (and now of course the mysterious Man in Black?) Is Ben really one of the good guys? Will any of the survivors find redemption? Why is Hurley so awesome?

But now that I am on the verge of finding my own 'redemption' from the countless hours I have spent watching and re-watching this program I find myself growing increasingly worried. Not worried that the writers won't answer all the questions that have been raised mind you; I for one would love to leave Smokey a mystery forever. I am more concerned that the answers provided won't live up to my expectations created by 5 wonderful years of thought-provoking television.

I suppose that's the nature of the beast however. Doesn't the saying go, "it's not the destination but the journey"? I can't think of any other creative vehicle in modern history that has created as many intelligent and passionate fans that Lost has, and I couldn't be happier that I was in it since the beginning and could go along for the ride.

Thanks to all the writers, producers and actors for keeping me completely absorbed and entertained with your story.

Namaste, and good luck.

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