Monday, February 7, 2011


Wow, it's been forever since I wrote anything on this blog. A very big 'sorry' goes out to my loyal 3 readers. The biggest reason I've been away is because I've really gotten into the whole Twitter thing, and that takes up a lot of my random thoughts and ideas now. I'll try my best to write a bit on here too, since my good friends are keeping a baby-blog....but no promises.

Quick update: I got a job shortly after my last post, and it's already getting on my nerves. Christmas went smoothly this year; it was the first time I hosted a big family event at my condo. Oh, and just got back from a 12 day trip to Hawai'i last week!

How about another "Favorite Song This Minute"? Yah? Ok here it is:

"January Hymn" by the Decemberists is rocking my socks this week. Hope you like it too!