Sunday, December 13, 2009

Favorite Song This Minute...

I love this time of year. I love the decorations and the crowded malls and smells of fresh baked goodies everywhere I go. I love buying presents and watching the classic Christmas movies and getting together with old friends and family. I even love the ridiculously cold weather!

But maybe my favorite thing about the Christmas is the music. Why is it that Christmas has spawned countless songs and carols that are updated and remastered every year while I can count on one hand the number of songs written for other holidays? I think it's because deep down everybody loves the feeling you get when you hear one of those timeless classics. Every year I put on one of my Christmas mix CD's while I put up the Christmas Tree and the decorations, and let the memories of Christmases long long ago come flooding back.

This year, with the stresses that come with growing up and getting older mixed in with the typical holiday hustle, those warm feelings of community and family were never more welcomed. I've never been very good at choosing my favorite Christmas song (much like picking a favorite movie) but the song that has hit another level with me this year has to be "2000 Miles" by Coldplay. Kinda makes me want to curl up under a blanket by the fire with someone special.

In case I don't get the chance to say it before the big day,

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I hate big life decisions!

Why do they have to be so hard? Take one of my current problems for instance:

I need a new cell phone plan, but the company I'm currently with (Rogers) doesn't seem to want to let me out of my existing plan a mere two months early so I can switch to a better one. So of course this angers me and makes me think about straying to a rival company (Telus perhaps), but they don't offer the phone I want. (iPhone) But they DO offer special bundle pricing if I package a cellphone plan with their internet plan (which I also need to buy soon). Oh ok, well then maybe I can compare this NEW price with Rogers' package deals...oh no wait, they don't have an internet service! >:(

Sometimes I think it would be easier to just move to an island somewhere and forget all these stresses...

Sunday, December 6, 2009

-20 degrees? Really?

Is that any sort of "Welcome Home" after a week spent in the 30 degree sun-soaked Caribbean? I don't think so! Oh, and the foot of snow everywhere was a nice touch.

Actually I should be in a much worse mood, but I did the one thing today that no amount of cold and snow can ruin - I set up my brand new Christmas tree at the condo! It's starting to actually look like a home over there instead of just a jobsite. Hopefully I can be fully in there this week.

So anyways, back to the vacation. It was sort of last minute, and was definitely a far cry from the 'typical' holiday I take with the family but it was certainly much-needed. Of course my Dad never seems to be able to just do nothing on these relaxing trips, so we spent 3 of our 7 days sight-seeing the Mayan ruins of Chichen Itza, Coba and Tulum. This is something that I've wanted to do for a long time now however, so I didn't complain too much. (Not like the entire wasted morning spent at a time-share meeting on our third day there, but that's another matter...)

All I can say is, Wow. I was thoroughly impressed with Chichen Itza, mainly because the tourguide we were booked with was Mayan AND he studied the city and Mayan culture in college. There were some points during his tour that he was actually on the verge of breaking down while trying to share a little bit of his culture with us. You could tell how much it meant to him that us 'Northerners' spent our hardearned money to come to his country to learn about his people - sometimes you just get lucky and meet the perfect person in the perfect place I suppose.

I'll post a link to my photos as soon as I get them uploaded but don't hold your breath...between getting ready for Christmas and still uploading my last New York photos (go Yankees!) it could be a little while! :/